Back to Me

The five day challenge giving you permission to make time for yourself again.

Do you feel like you've lost yourself somewhere in all of those roles you fill?

Mom, wife, boss, sister, friend, dog walker, Little League coach, mentor. You wear a lot of hats and somewhere along the way you started prioritizing everyone else except for you. This is your opportunity to start making time for you, again. Join us for a five day challenge where you will receive daily exercises, video trainings and encouragement to help you start thriving again.

"After Back to Me, I have started doing one thing a day that makes me feel better.
"I recognized the amount of neglect for myself that had been going on for years. Giving myself attention and doing some things the super small things was wildly impactful for my headspace, my frame of mind, which effected everything and I do mean everything in my life. It was a wake up call!"
"After Back to Me, I developed an awareness of how taking a small amount of time to do something just for me each day helped me be a better mom and wife."

Day One

We start off talking about self-care and why those spa days + manicures aren't actually helping you to make the changes you need.

Day Two

On the second day, we jump into what the "state of joy" is and how to implement a daily habit of practicing gratitude.

Day Three

On day three, I'm sharing my proven methods for helping you to be consistent in making time for you even after the challenge.

Day Four

On day four, I am sharing some of my favorite visualization exercises with you to help you define your joy and envision your best self.

Day Five

On our final day, we are celebrating you and I share my tips for how you can continue to prioritize you and thrive beyond this challenge.

Ready to take  back your life?

Join me for a five day challenge to find yourself again.